8778 Ferris Ave

Morton Grove, IL

1 (847) 679-2211

Sales, Service & Parts

Laundry Equipment (OPL)

On-Premise Laundry (OPL) solutions are the perfect fit for hotels, hospitals, and educational institutions with substantial and ongoing laundry needs. We offer a combination of high capacity and energy efficiency, helping you to control costs and operate your on-premise laundry facility effectively.

Milnor On-Premise Laundry Equipment

Since 1947, Pellerin Milnor Corporation has been a leading commercial and industrial laundry equipment manufacturer. Milnor’s washer-extractors range in size from 25 lb. to 700 lb. capacity; dryers from 30 – 550 lb. And, Milnor’s CBW® tunnel washers, including PulseFlow® Technology tunnels, have been successfully employed in all markets. With energy and water saving features like RinSave® water saver, ExactXtract® extraction optimizer, and PulseFlow® Technology, Milnor machinery is engineered to save you money. These models are available with a variety of controls from very simple to quite sophisticated, depending upon your laundry’s unique needs.